May 29, 2014 | Blog, Personal Branding, Women's Post
I was very honoured to have been selected as one of Women’s Post Canada’s Most Notable Women of 2009. Top 20 WomenMay 29, 2014 | Personal Branding, Women's Post
Meet Dianne Carmichael, mother, daughter, Baby Boomer, and member of the Sandwich Generation. Profile in Women’s Post (pdf)
May 23, 2014 | Blog, Canadian Healthcare, Raising Awareness
Historically, health care evolved from an acute-based system and we are now seeing a paradigm shift to a patient-centred model. Going forward we need to focus on engagement, prevention, wellness and self-management of chronic disease. Securing Healthcare National...Mar 22, 2013 | Canadian Healthcare
In November 2011, Dr. John Haggie told a Toronto audience at The Economic Club of Canada’s annual health care outlook panel that establishing electronic medical records is the one of the best things Canada could do to improve its health-care system. Read the article...Nov 19, 2012 | Featured, Leadership, Personal Branding
Financial Post Best Managed Denise Deveau, November 12, 2012 The expression “it’s business, not personal,” is slowly becoming extinct in the lexicon of Corporate Canada. In a media-savvy, 21st century workplace in which staff hear horror stories of excessive salaries,...
Sep 20, 2012 | Canadian Healthcare, Featured, Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
When Sara Nita’s son Marcus was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last fall, she began keeping a written log of his multiple daily blood-sugar readings. But she soon started casting around for a way to keep an electronic record, something she could enter into her...Sep 20, 2012 | Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
With many large, older, established companies filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, what lessons can be learned for the business of health care? Whereas doctors and hospitals focus on producing health care, what people really want is health. Health care is just a means to...Sep 18, 2012 | Canadian Healthcare, Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
Patient-centred care and positive patient experiences at all touch points, is a cultural paradigm shift requiring a systematic change management model that must include the patients’ voice. Hospitals try to deliver the best health outcomes. But many also aim to...Sep 18, 2012 | Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
In 2010, Laurie Johnston decided to sue her surgeon and the Windsor hospital where the surgery took place, for removing her healthy breast in the mistaken belief it was cancerous. The suit alleges Lauire had her left breast and six lymph nodes removed based on her...Sep 18, 2012 | Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
In 2009, Kevin Leonard, PhD, opened the jam-packed One Patient, One Record symposium he staged in Toronto by saying he yearns for the day when the 19 specialists who treat his Crohn’s disease can consolidate their silos of separate data on him into a single electronic...
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