Oct 17, 2018 | Canadian Healthcare, Personal Healthcare
I was invited by the PMO to participate as an expert panelist at Fortune Magazine’s #Fortune Global CEO forum in Toronto on the Global Digital Transformation of Health Care. This event brings CEO’s from around the world and was hosted by the Prime Minister in...
Oct 29, 2016 | Canadian Healthcare, Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
Toronto Star, Camilla Cornell special to the Star It’s that time again. Time to get your flu shot. And though you may be one of those who would rather be featured on My Strange Addiction than get a needle, you’d be wise to conquer your fears and get...
Sep 17, 2014 | Canadian Healthcare, Featured, Leadership, Personal Healthcare, Preventative Medicine, Raising Awareness
I was very honoured to be recognized in the 2nd Annual Canadian Women Changing Healthcare awards by Patient Commando, an organization committed to helping patients share experiences and become better informed about how to manage their healthcare. My profile is...
Sep 20, 2012 | Canadian Healthcare, Featured, Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
When Sara Nita’s son Marcus was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last fall, she began keeping a written log of his multiple daily blood-sugar readings. But she soon started casting around for a way to keep an electronic record, something she could enter into her...Sep 20, 2012 | Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
With many large, older, established companies filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, what lessons can be learned for the business of health care? Whereas doctors and hospitals focus on producing health care, what people really want is health. Health care is just a means to...Sep 18, 2012 | Canadian Healthcare, Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
Patient-centred care and positive patient experiences at all touch points, is a cultural paradigm shift requiring a systematic change management model that must include the patients’ voice. Hospitals try to deliver the best health outcomes. But many also aim to...Sep 18, 2012 | Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
In 2010, Laurie Johnston decided to sue her surgeon and the Windsor hospital where the surgery took place, for removing her healthy breast in the mistaken belief it was cancerous. The suit alleges Lauire had her left breast and six lymph nodes removed based on her...Sep 18, 2012 | Personal Healthcare, Raising Awareness
In 2009, Kevin Leonard, PhD, opened the jam-packed One Patient, One Record symposium he staged in Toronto by saying he yearns for the day when the 19 specialists who treat his Crohn’s disease can consolidate their silos of separate data on him into a single electronic...
Sep 6, 2012 | Canadian Healthcare, Featured, Personal Healthcare, Videos
In the second part of my interview with Paul Alofs, President and CEO of Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation, I speak about how my passion for healthcare gave me the courage to leave my executive role in financial services to make a difference in the lives of people...
Sep 6, 2012 | Canadian Healthcare, Personal Healthcare, Videos
I had the opportunity to speak with Paul Alofs, President and CEO of Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation about the importance of Canadians being passionate about our healthcare system. Paul recently wrote a book called Passion Capital where he identified a group of...
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