Oct 5, 2011 | Canadian Healthcare, Raising Awareness, Videos
Little is known about sex differences and the aging process, such as why 70% of all new Alzheimer’s patients are women but animal research still focuses on males….because female hormones, even in rats, are considered too complex to deal with. Learn more in this...
Aug 13, 2011 | Canadian Healthcare, Raising Awareness
Join me, honorary chair, for Canada’s First Women’s Brain Health Conference, featuring guest speaker, 2-time Best Actress Academy Award winner and women’s health advocate Hilary Swank. Allstream Centre, 105 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto Tuesday...
Jun 12, 2011 | Photo Gallery, Raising Awareness
Photo taken with Ken Aber, CEO Blueprint Business Architecture, at the Women of Baycrest Women’s Brain Health Charity Event.
Apr 19, 2011 | Canadian Healthcare, Featured, Innovation, Leadership, Media, Raising Awareness, Videos
How Business Leaders Can Save Universal Healthcare In her speech to the Economic Club, Ms. Carmichael will argue that ideology, protectionism, and inaction in our health care system will – paradoxically – create the very two-tier system that many fear. Ms. Carmichael...
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